On Tue, 29 Nov 2016, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I am using Jabref for my lyx work (debian). The version I use (2.10) does not support the medline any more.


  I, too, use JabRef with LyX; it's great! I'm using JabRef-3.7 and ...

I apparently need Java 8 for it -JRE or JDK are offered, which should go
in /opt. Which one is recommendable? None is given in synaptic. And how do
I > unpack the JRE or JDK into /opt? Do I extract it first on my home/download and copy the folder as root into it?

  I'm using openjdk-8u91_b14 on Slackware. I recommend it (or Oracle's Java
JDK) over the limited JRE version as it gives you more capabilities and
storage space is generally not an issue.

How do I install jabref-3.7? Unpacking it gives me a lot of folders/files,
but I can't find a help||

  I don't know Debian or its derivatives, so I suggest that you go to the
download Web page <https://www.fosshub.com/JabRef.html>, select the second
option, "Download JabRef Platform independent runnable JAR," and deposit the
download in /opt/. You'll have /opt/JabRef-3.7.jar.

  To run it, I have a simple shell script (called jabref.sh):


cd /opt/JabRef/
java -jar JabRef-3.7.jar

  No muss, no bother.



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