Am 09.12.2016 um 05:35 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:

I have issues with packages with Lyx 2.2 on Windows 10. I have updated packages 
on MikTex as admin...

Dear Guillermo,

as I wrote in my announcement of version 3 of the Windows installer:

, MiKTeX made some major refactoring of its package handling. Many users therefore encountered problems. Form most it helped, to run the MiKTeX update program twice, but not for all. before spending hours with fiddling around I therefore recommended, to uninstall MiKTeX and LyX _completely_ and reinstalling LyX using the latest "complete" Windows installer for LyX 2.2.2. This assures that you have a fully functional LyX and MiKTeX.

If this fails, please report back that I can have a closer look.

regards Uwe

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