On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:23:21AM -0400, Cris Fuhrman wrote:
> I'm collaborating using git on bitbucket (for a free private cloud
> repository) and SourceTree for Windows on an article in LyX (2.2.2). There
> are multiple image files (e.g., generated by R in SVG) and a big .bib file.
> For the record, I'm not really using LyX's built-in version control, as it
> doesn't recognize the other files that might change. SourceTree is very
> visual and saves you from memorizing the cryptic git command lines;
> although when you get stuck, you can still type them in a git bash window.
> Yesterday, I had to merge some changes from another author, which took
> (too) much of my time using the git-oriented way. We had both (somewhat
> simultaneously) updated the same section of the article, and that section
> got moved in one version. But resolving merge conflicts is also harder
> because LyX source is not really meant to be human readable (and I use LyX
> for the precise reason that I don't want to look at typesetting source). I
> wonder, too, if git doesn't use syntax hints to help identify blocks of
> code (e.g., balanced parentheses and brackets, which are used in many
> programming languages but not so much in .lyx files).
> When I pulled the changes (my local branch was out of sync by half a day),
> there were conflicts. I'm not new to merging, but it's the first time I've
> done it with a LyX file. I have configured SourceTree to use the kdiff3
> tool, which did a great job to help me out (it resolved most of the
> conflicts, but about 20% required manual intervention, where you basically
> have to decide between version A, B or C in three separate windows for each
> conflict). In the end, I was very conservative and wound up with some
> duplication in the final document (the section that was moved). Finally, I
> met with the co-author in person and was able to resolve some conflicts
> that were redundant. I was actually just happy the LyX file wasn't corrupt
> after the merge! I suppose this same problem would occur in source code,
> but given that code has to function to pass tests, it's not quite the same
> work flow. Editing academic publications is different than writing software
> in this way. But I digress...
> Alternatively, I could have cloned the head origin version before I merged
> and and just resolved the differences in separate LyX windows using
> copy/paste by hand, But with no tool to show differences, that is also not
> ideal. The other strategy is to agree ahead of time not to touch the same
> parts of the document in parallel. But these just seems counterproductive
> when you're using source code control! Related humor: https://xkcd.com/1597/
> What's your preferred way to merge changes and manage conflicts in LyX
> files under git?

Just bumping this email since it didn't get a response.


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