On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 9:23 AM, Cris Fuhrman <fuhrmana...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have configured SourceTree to use the kdiff3 tool, which did a great job
> to help me out (it resolved most of the conflicts, but about 20% required
> manual intervention, where you basically have to decide between version A,
> B or C in three separate windows for each conflict). In the end, I was very
> conservative and wound up with some duplication in the final document (the
> section that was moved).

The method you described is what I have done, albeit with entirely
different tools.  I try to get things to a workable state and will then do
any "touch-up" editing in LyX.  Once done, I might run a diff (either via
command line or with "Compare with older version" in LyX) to spot any areas
that were adversely affected by the merge.

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