Am 01.06.2017 um 22:07 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
Dear all,

There are many different preferences that the user can customize. It is
difficult to think about what is the best default preferences for the
most amount of users. One way I've thought of to get an idea of this is
to start collecting user's preferences. If we see that a lot of users
have changed a certain preference, we might think about changing the
default. Of course, for you this won't make much of a difference since
you have that setting set anyway. But it could make a difference for the
out-of-the-box experience of new LyX users.

Just to set realistic expectations, I would say that the chance of us
changing a default preference are pretty low (see, for example, [1], for
why this is complicated). In order to tak a rist, we need to have a lot
of evidence about the average user; and since you are on a LyX mailing
list that means you are not an average user in my opinion :).

Preferences in particular that I'm curious about are:

   screen zoom
   continuous spellcheck
   math preview

Before posting, please check your preferences file manually for any
information that you prefer not to be made public.

Your preferences are in a file called "preferences", stored in your user
directory. To locate your user directory, see Help > About (I think on
Mac this is LyX > About?). If you go to your user directory and there is
no "preferences" file, that means that you have not changed any of the
defaults. I still want to know in this case. If you could just respond
"default", then that would be helpful.

Please state your OS with the categories of Windows, Mac, or Linux. This
is important because it is possible to have different default
preferences on different platforms.

Attached is my preferences file.


linux debian default

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