On 07/27/2017 11:52 AM, Roberto wrote:
> Hi Richard, thanks for bringing in your experience.
> If the tar.gz was something you can "mount" like a read-write DMG it
> would make sense to say that the archive does what I have in mind. As
> far as I know one can open DMG files and edit them and close them,
> effectively saving the content. The way it is now with tar.gz for me
> it is good only for archival purposes.

In theory, this could probably be done using fusefs on Linux, but that's
not a general solution, and we don't automatically add images, say, to
the archive when you add a picture.

I'll think more about this. It's too late for 2.3, but it's something
that could go into 2.4.


> Hopefully more people would enjoy having a "all-inclusive" file like
> this one.
> Cheers,
> Roberto
> On 27/07/2017 16:40, Richard Heck wrote:
>> On 07/27/2017 09:07 AM, Roberto wrote:
>>> Let me explain better. The reason for asking for a feature like that is
>>> not that I cannot clic one more time to unpack a tar.gz :)
>>> The tar.gz is an export, not a "Save", that is the difference. Save
>>> means that you can edit it and keep saving every now and then.
>>> Furthermore the two things are difference because you can even remove
>>> the pictures from the disk and you still have them in the file.
>>> What I am looking for is a LyX file that does as a MS Word file does:
>>> one editable file contains all you need to work on the document.
>>> One could achieve this if the LyX file was actually a directory
>>> structure managed by LyX and when you save the file you save all the
>>> directory structure controlled by it. The user does not need to see
>>> all the complications about where the pictures are stored, just needs
>>> to see the pictures in the file.
>> There was some discussion of such a file structure, and I did a bunch of
>> work on it myself a few years ago. But there were also disagreements
>> about how exactly it should work, so it never went anywhere. The archive
>> we have now was a kind of compromise. But note that it really is a
>> pretty good compromise. It gives you, precisely, a 'directory structure'
>> that contains all the files needed for that document. It's just that
>> it's packed into a zip file or whatever.
>> What it LyX was able to open such an archive directly? And what if, when
>> it had done so, it 'saved' the file directly to such an archive? I can
>> easily imagine the unpacking actually being done into the temporary
>> directory. This might not be very hard to achieve.
>> Richard

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