On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 12:32:41AM +0000, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Jan 2018, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> > If others do find this annoying, perhaps we can think of an improvement.
> > The ideal behavior for me would be that whenever I paste text that is in
> > language "mylanguage (x)" into a document that has language "mylanguage
> > (y)" and no other language, the text would be pasted as "mylanguage (y)".
> > However, thinking about what the LyX behavior should be, I don't know what
> > to suggest. On the one hand, I don't think we should change the default
> > behavior since it is correct to treat "mylanguage (x)" and "mylanguage
> > (y)" as different languages. On the other, I don't think this is a big
> > enough issue that we should have a preference for it. So I don't know what
> > to suggest.
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> Scott,
>   I stick with 'English (USA)' and don't have this issue. However, I offer
> the suggestion of a separate tool that can be invoked as desired by the
> user. It could be a script that pops up when lyx detects two flavors of a
> common language in a document, presents the two flavors, asks the user which
> is the flavor of the day (or ignore the differences as a third option), then
> modify the .lyx file and reload the working document.
>   This does not force behavior on everyone and might be easier to implement
> and maintain.

Thanks for the idea, Rich. That could be interesting. Maybe a little
difficult to implement since we don't have a similar mechanism yet.


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