On 4/26/19 5:17 PM, UD Kap wrote:
Thank you all for your speedy responses.

I suspect that Pavel has fingered it-- I don't see any LYX folder in the /usr/share/fonts folder.
At least on Mint, there is no .../lyx folder there.
  The problem is on the Lyx screen-- the output looks OK.  I installed from Liviu's ppa.
Liviu's PPA has a package named fonts-lyx that will create a folder /usr/share/fonts/truetype (if it does not already exist) and then put a subfolder named 'lyx' under that. In /usr/share/fonts/truetype/lyx, you should find 11 TrueType font files (.ttf extension). If that's not there, you just need to install the fonts-lyx package from the PPA.
  It is likely, in addition, that my TexLive installation is at fault-- I installed TL from the Mint/Ubuntu repositories, rather than from the VERY CONFUSED Texlive site.  The disappointing result is that tlmgr does not work right, or not at all.
I get TeXLive from a different PPA: https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/texlive. (He also has LyX distributions there, but I've been sticking with Liviu's PPA and have no regrets.)


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