On 12/11/2022 03:54, Lou wrote:
On 11/11/22 21:08, Lou wrote:

How can I change Lyx sectioning to look like this:

I.  Level 1
    A. Level 2
    B. Level 2
       1. Level 3
       2. Level 3
          a. Level 4
          b. Level 4
II. Level 1

The purpose being to use Lyx for making outlines for giving speeches.

Thanks for any help.


Perhaps the following will make clearer what I would like:

  I. Section
     A. Subsection
     B. Subsection
        1. Subsubsection
        2. Subsubsection
           a. Paragraph
           b. Paragraph
               i. Subparagraph
              ii. Subparagraph
II. Section

Try adding

  {1}%  {level}
  {0pt}%        {indent}
  {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -0.2ex}%      {beforeskip}
  {2.3ex plus 0.2ex}%   {afterskip}
  {\normalfont\Huge\bfseries}%  {style}

  {2}%  {level}
  {30pt}%       {indent}
  {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -0.2ex}%      {beforeskip}
  {2.3ex plus 0.2ex}%   {afterskip}
  {\normalfont\Large\bfseries}% {style}

  {3}%  {level}
  {40pt}%       {indent}
  {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -0.2ex}%      {beforeskip}
  {2.3ex plus 0.2ex}%   {afterskip}
  {\normalfont\bfseries}%       {style}

  {4}%  {level}
  {50pt}%       {indent}
  {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -0.2ex}%      {beforeskip}
  {2.3ex plus 0.2ex}%   {afterskip}
  {\normalfont\small\bfseries}% {style}

  {5}%  {level}
  {60pt}%       {indent}
  {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -0.2ex}%      {beforeskip}
  {2.3ex plus 0.2ex}%   {afterskip}
  {\normalfont\tiny\bfseries}%  {style}

to your preamble.

The reneacommands for section ... subparagraph contain formatting commands which you can set to whatever you fancy. I've put some possible values in to show some of the possibilities.

The indent and style lines are hopefully obvious. A bit of experimentation will give the effect you want.

This works for me with the basic article style.

Hope that helps.


Steve Hnizdur
lyx-users mailing list

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