On 12/11/2022 17:30, Lou wrote:
Hi Steve and Axel,

Thank you very much for responding.


I can't get this to work. The fonts change, but the numbers do not change to \Roman (or whatever they are set to in the renewcommand), and indention doesn't happen. Is there something else I need to do besides placing your code in the preamble?


The advice given by Steve Litt is probably the best, but if you want to do this in Lyx/Latex then the attached examples show a way to do it (assuming I understand your needs)

This is a bit of a hack as Latex very much wants to be in control of layout.

In the preamble there are a series of newcommands and renewcommands for each level. In the newcommand there is the indent for the header and in the following renewcommand at the very end is a leftskip which sets the indent for the following blocks of text. Change these to what you want. In addition you may want to change the font at each level in which case the standard Lyx methods can be used.

As you can see from the pdf the numbering is in alpha/roman etc as defined in the preamble. If your set up is not doing this then query operating system/Lyx version etc.

Hope that helps - good luck


Steve Hnizdur

Attachment: MWE99.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: MWE99.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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