On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 02:26:02PM -0300, Roberto Hernandez wrote:
> Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> >Someone has posted one solution.  There is another work-around that
> >I think I found on the lyx "tips and tricks" pages.
> >
> >1. Open the main.lyx file.
> >2. Open the citation pop-up (i.e. pretend you are going to insert 
> >   a citation, but don't click "close" or "OK")
> >3. Open the chapter1.lyx.
> I read that too, but when open chapter1.lyx the citation pop-up is 
> automatically closed (1.1.6fix4).

True.  You just have to open another citation popup once
you're editing "chapter1.lyx".

> >Now you can insert citations using the bibliography from main.
> >
> >It would be nice if whatever step #2 is doing got done automatically
> >upon loading main.lyx...
> Yes it would!

by Rocket to the Moon,
by Airplane to the Rocket,
by Taxi to the Airport,
by Frontdoor to the Taxi,
by throwing back the blanket and laying down the legs ...
- They Might Be Giants

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