Pelux wrote:
Hi, i'm using lyx for my phd works in statistics, but i'm having some problems that i really don't know how to solve, and google-searching for two hours didn't help.
So, here are my questions:
1) I would like to have all my equations (not the inline ones) to be automatically numbered, i prefer to the left. Is it possible?
I need to obtain the result you can find on page 10 of this pdf:
In latex it seemes it suffice to use \begin{equation}....... but in lyx? What is the lyx corrispective ?
And is math-display the lyx corrispective of \begin{equation*}..... ?
Mybe should i add something in the preamble?
And how could i reference to the automatically numbered equations?
2) Also i would like to obtain what you see on pag 12 of the same pdf with equations 2.18 2.19 2.20.

The problem is that i could'nt find any guide on using ams align, alignat, split, gather,... and so on with lyx. From the pdf i mentioned it seems that they extend eqnarray, that is exactly what i need.

inside LyX choose _always_ the amsmath environments.


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