
Hoping that some LaTeX experts here may be able to help me with a book
project which I am doing in LaTeX (instead of LyX).

Q-1) How do I leave a page "Intetionally Blank", after the title page,
and before the abstract page, if I am using...

\usepackage[pdftitle={ID1421, BDutta},colorlinks=false,a4paper]{hyperref}

Note that, the following didn't work...

This page is intentionally left blank.

Q-2) When I use "dvipdfm" or "pdflatex" tool to convert to PDF, all of
my hyperlinks get a blue or red bounding-box. How do I do away with the
bounding-box (or say a white bounding-box) ? I am more interested in the
way which works for "dvipdfm".

Q-3) I use MicroSoft Visio to create some network diagrams, and converted
them to JPEG at high quality (i.e. "Print-Quality" 600dpi, and very low
compression). Then I used "jpeg2ps -p a4" command to convert to .EPS. The
image quality in the document (.dvi or the generated final .pdf) seems much
lower quality than the JPEG itself. Any way to get high quality image in my
final PDF ?

Q-4) How do I solve this footnote problem ? I reference a footnote in the
main text as follows... "SomeText\footnotemark{1}". The footnote definition
is done as follows..
... but the problem is that in the generated .dvi / .pdf, I find that in the
main body the text appears with the superscript "1" after "SomeText" (as
expected), but also an additional regular-size "_1" after the subscript,
which is unexpected and undesired.

Q-5) How to include some text in the document that is not part of any
section ? For example, I want to put some text into a "Copyright" section at
the end of my document, in a separate page, with a Heading, but can't
figure out how to get the heading, and ensure that it is not listed in the
table of contents.

Q-6) How do I get a "References" section, which also is included in table
of contents ? My current usage:-
... puts a "References" heading automatically, (i.e. without the \section
directive), but doesn't include it in the table of contents either.

Q-7) How to limit "float" feature ? I want to ensure that my two figures (on
a single page), are separated by some text. Overall, for the document, I
want to retain the "float" feature. Without the ability to control, my 2
figures appear one after the other, although they are logically for two
different paragraphs.

thanks & best regards,

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