
Be sure you have first installed the latex class/style file(s), as well as the appropriate Lyx's layout. Then run "reconfigure" in Lyx. If the document class is still unavailable (as it happens with my own installation of Lyx) you may try the following. Open (with a text editor) the textclass.lst file that you can find in the ....share/lyx folder (eventually in resources/lyx) and add a line like this (eventually edit an existing entry):

"lyx_layout_filename" "latex_class_name" "layout_friendly_name" "true"

Where <<layout_friendly_name>> should correspond to the name that appears in the second line of the layout file, i.e.



    Heeeey people, how are you all?  I hope fine!
    I use Lyx at both Linux and Windows, but at Windows I can't use some 
document classes.  I tried to i.e.  install the cv package, and reconfigure the 
Lyx, but this documenta class still unavaliable.  Hence, how can I install this 
stuff at Windows?

    Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas! :)))
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