Eric Zollars wrote:
Hello, trying to include a pdf file in my LyX document.
This is Lyx 1.3.7-3 on Windows.

I have in my preamble:

Then in the document ERT:

When I export to pdflatex, a pdf is created but it does not have the included file.

Interesting. I need to put an absolute path in the ERT (for instance, \includepdf{/temp/testfile.pdf}) in order to get View->PDF (pdflatex) or File->Export->PDF (pdflatex) to work at all; otherwise I get a latex error (can't find the included file), even if the included file sits in the same directory as the LyX document. On the other hand, if I export to LaTeX and compile outside LyX, it works without the path.

Any advice or working lyx files would be greatly appreciated.

1. Take a look at the log file (View->LaTeX Log file) and see if anything informative shows up.

2. Export to LaTeX, run pdflatex from a command prompt, and see if you get a valid result.

3. (Long shot) make sure that there is not a file with the right name but zero byte length sitting around where pdflatex might grab it.


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