Rich Shepard wrote:
On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Stefano Franchi wrote:

I am trying to set up a multi-page, fixed width column table, but my
attempts seem to be blissfully ignored by LyX.  That is, I select the
table, go into the pop-up dialog and enter a value in the 'width' field. I did this for all the columns in my table. But nothing happens---as soon as
I go into a cell and add content, the cell is horizontally resized. I am
following the exact procedure described in the user's guide, and I would
expect the cell to grow vertically, not horizontally. Can anyone enlighten
me on the correct steps to follow? I tried both LyX 1.3 and 1.4, with
identical results. I am on a Mac, BTW.

  Well, you're allowed to use an Apple product.

  I have tables in my book similar to what you're trying to create. By
trial-and-error I discovered that I needed to manually break the cell
content into multiple lines; there is no automagic line wrap. Sometimes I
also dropped the font one size; that made the typeset table look better.

There's "automagic line wrap" if it likes you (and apparently it likes me). You have to select "multicolumn" in the table dialog, with the cursor in cell in the correct column, and set the width. (Stefano, did you select multicolumn?) Once you do that, and assuming you picked an appropriate width, line wrapping should occur automatically for text typed into that column (no need for manual breaks).

I'm not positive, but I think LaTeX wants you to leave at least one column without a specified width.


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