Thanks for the new release, but

On my Mac PPC, with mac os X 10.4.9, the disk image does not get mounted (see the diagnostic window attached, in french , it says that LyX-1.5.0rc1-Mac.dmg has not been recognized)

<<inline: lyx-failure.tiff>>

Le 1 juin 07 à 17:27, Bennett Helm a écrit :

A binary has now been posted for LyX/Mac 1.5.0 release candidate 1, available here:


The usual cautions apply: this is beta software, and is apt to have some bugs leading to crashes. While I don't expect there to be any major problems, and while I have been using developmental versions LyX-1.5.0 on my own documents without any trouble, I also religiously make backups.

Two issues for Mac deserve special mention. The first concerns the display fonts (LyX > Preferences > Screen fonts). Some fonts (such as Times) do not display properly on screen; Helvetica is displayed instead. This will not affect typeset output. The second concerns typesetting. Before you run LyX for the first time, make sure you run the installer. Then run LyX and check the View menu to make sure options like PDF (pdflatex) appear. If the menu is mostly empty, you'll probably be able to fix it by reconfiguring LyX (LyX > Reconfigure) and then restarting. If you have this problem, please report it to the list along with details concerning your setup: Intel or PPC Mac as well as how you installed LaTeX (i- Installer, MacTeX, fink, macports, etc.).

LyX-1.5.0 has been gaining increasing polish and stability as we move to a final release. I urge you to try it and report your experiences with it to the list.



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