On Wednesday 29 August 2007, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> For a more aesthetically pleasing solution, I think you would need
> either to redefine the itemize environment or create your own (and then
> add you new environment to the layout file).  Specification of a value
> for \listparindent has to be done in an argument to the begin command
> for the list environment, which is why LaTeX turned its nose up at your
> attempts.  (But at least it did so solemnly.)

Thanks for the input, guys.

Paul, if I go and try to do what you're suggesting above, I'd have to edit the 
stdlists.inc file, right?

If I look at "Style Description", I notice several options that have the same 
name as the list parameters like \topsep, \labelsep, etc, though capitalized 
(TopSep, LabelSep, etc).  Am I wrong to think that all I have to do is to 
include the line:
ListParIndent          <some length>

Or is this just absurd?

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

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