On Nov 16, 2007, at 5:10 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"G. Milde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dear LyXers,

since upgrading to 1.5.2 (or maybe even earlier?), word-forward does no longer skip to the end of a word but also skips trailing non-word space, be
it whitespace, punctuation, citation or float insets, etc.

This means that jumping to the end of a word is no longer possible. Both,
word-forward and word-backward jump to the begin of a word.

This is especially annoying when using "word-delete-forward", as this
accidentially kills punctuation and the like.

We can have a look at changing this behaviour.

- emacs' forward-word jumps to the end of the current word (and
  likewise backaward-word jumps to the beginning of prev. word)

- everybody else (openoffice, msword, Qt textedit...) jumps over space
  but not punctuation.

What do you want?

The standard behavior on Mac is to have forward-word jumps to the end of the current word, and backward-word jumps to the beginning of the previous word. That's what I'd want.

Another difference from Mac standard: in jumping forward/backward by words, LyX treats an apostrophe as a word break. Thus, in jumping forward by words in "I don't", LyX will go from after the "I" to after the "n" to after the "t", whereas Mac standard is to go straight from after the "I" to after the "t".


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