Try to start LyX anyway and see what happens (the installation script is normally not needed for LyX to function). If it starts, try to open the Tutorial from the help menu and create a pdf ( View -> PDF (pdflatex) ) If it doesn't work try LyX->Reconfigure and restart LyX. If that fails, try to open and write sudo texhash (you need to be an administrator), then Reconfigure LyX again (these steps are a "universal cure" and solves many problems that are TeX-related). Please report back on your progress (Bennett is working on improving/ integrating the installer, so I think he appreciates any feedback about problems and solutions).


On 14 jan 2008, at 14.03, Biao Wu wrote:

Hi, Anders,

I can tell Bennett is an expert just by how he asked the question.
The installation failed, so I did not run LyX. Yes, I installed TeX
with MacTeX before LyX.
This is my first time installing LyX. My Mac Version is MacOSX-10.4.11.

On Jan 14, 2008 7:51 PM, Anders Ekberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, Bennett,

I checked, and found nothing related to LyX installation.
Here is what I found.

Hi Biao,

Bennett is the expert here, but just some questions from me:
- Does LyX work (i.e. start, function and produce pdf:s)?
- Did you install TeX before installing LyX? (I take it you didn't
upgrade, but installed LyX for the first time)
Also which MacOSX-version are you using?

Best regards


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