I'm seeing a couple of issues with LyX 1.5.1 on XUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) that I
don't have a solution for...  The package is from the Ubuntu repositories.
The two issues are:

(1) It appears to be really slow when trying to scroll text on the screen.
It's not horrible, but its not as fast as the 1.4.x series.

(2) For some reason, I can go into a dialog once and only once per session.
For example, the preferences dialog, or the document settings dialog.
Basically, I can go in once, make changes, hit apply, make more changes, hit
apply, etc.  But, as soon as I either hit save or close, I can't go back
into the dialog.  Once I restart LyX I can repeat the process.

The strange thing about #2 is that I would have thought it was a qt resource
issue that would affect other parts of the system, but it doesn't appear
to.  I can open the Outline, Output, command line windows with issue.
Detach, re-attach them, close, re-open, etc.

I'm baffled, especially by #2.  I tried starting LyX from a terminal, hoping
to get some error output that might point me in the right direction.  There
wasn't any.

I tried grabbing the .deb for 1.5.2 from the lyx.org site, but couldn't get
it to install.  GDebi told me that it wasn't a valid package.

Any hints or clues?

// George

Faster moments spent spread tales of change within the sound...

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