On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 11:04:05PM -0500, rgheck wrote:
> George De Bruin wrote:
>> rgheck wrote:
>>>> (1) It appears to be really slow when trying to scroll text on the  
>>>> screen.
>>>> It's not horrible, but its not as fast as the 1.4.x series.
>>> Try 1.5.3. Some work has been done on scrolling, and a LOT more is to 
>>> come in 1.6.
>> I would, but I don't see a .deb out there for it.
> Hmm. That's very strange. The Ubuntu people should really get with it.  
> It's one thing being slow to update major versions---Debian etch is  
> still at 1.4.3---but it's criminal not to keep up with minor version  
> updates.

And of course it won't change because it's a stable release and stable
releases only get security fixes etc. blah blah the usual stuff. Ok
nothing realy new. ;)
Ubuntu has afaik a faster release cycle but won't do package upgrades
within a release. So you can always stick with the latest soon to be the
next release development part or not.

Regarding Debian I would like to provide a backport for etch but I could
not find someone who's willing to sponsor it so far. I still hesitate to
publish my own i386 builds in an unsinged repository for the big masses.
But if you dig deep enough you'll find someone else who also did some
backporting on recent LyX packages and made same avaible in an apt-get
enabled repository. From QA point of view they looked ok.

There's no need for tears, cause there's no need to cry.
That love that you leave will never be denied.
     [ Flogging Molly - Laura ]
Gebuehrenboykott 2008 BU WTAL http://www.boykott-wuppertal.de

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