To all of you, I must say that I get lots of good advice,
even from you Uwe.

Two problems I have in the short term.  One is time,
and the other is eyesight problems.  I need the quick
answers now in order to meet the submission deadline.
Turn-around from journal rejection to conference
acceptance is, in this case, exceptionally short.  So,
my time to learn is quite limited.  This is compounded
by a current issue of cataracts, which does somewhat
limit my eyesight.  Hence, my leaning a bit on your
knowledgeable shoulders.  My hope is that in return the
group has gotten a different perspective than the usual
encounter with a LyX/La/TeX newbie.

LyX is a wonderful product.  I now understand how to
properly crop and place figures, how to control the page
of their printing, how they are anchored to text, think
that a visual cropping tool is needed, etc.  Sometimes
the TeXcode works, and sometimes it doesn't.  Don't
really understand the meta relationship between plain
TeX and the TeXmath, and only somewhat get the
hierarchical relationship between TeX and LaTeX, and
by extension, LyX.  However, all that will come, and
I will indeed be more diligent in reading the
documentation, just as soon as the paper is out.

One more week, maybe two.  I think that I can finish
with what I know, and ask the journal editor (he's
running the conference as well) to do any tweaking
when I have problems.

I have learned a lot y'all.  Thanks.


PS - Though reading is difficult, I am a touch typist.

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