> > > Question to the developers: Would it be possible to pass the tilde '~'
> > > to LaTeX as-is if the language is set to polutonikogreek?
> > please correct me if i'm wrong, but i think this is wrong direction.
> > how will you determine nonbreak. space vs tilde accent then?
> The same way as polutonikogreek.def: \nobreakspace vs. ~

before sinking into this issue i still don't understand why polutonikogreek 
is needed, see below.

> > When you put "tilde-accent" into the command buffer and then strike the
> > desired key, tilde is not working for you? 
> It works in LyX but not in the printout.

yes i found this already ;(

> > tex output is then \~{character}.
> which works well with (modern) "greek" but not with "polutonikogreek".

i would like to summarize the my understanding of the problems i encountered,
please comment on:

1. Screen painting.
after installing unicode fonts for X displaying ancient greek letters works in 
without problems.

2. LaTeX typeseting.
after installing unicode packages for tex fonts and input encoding utf8x
the documents with ancient greek letters obtained in document via copy & paste
from e.g. wikipedia or through symbols dialog in lyx 1.6 work without problems,
no switch to polutonikogreek needed, just greek language is enough.

3. Input of ancient greek letters into the document.
  a) pasting the (whole) unicode character from outside works
  b) using the keystroke of ~+char does not work - instead of accented character
     we get two characters.
  c) using lfun accent-tilde+char basically(*) works as far as screen painting 
     but fails badly once you try to typeset the document.

the key issue is why 3c fails. guessing from the output the culprit is that when
accent-tilde is used with some char, it does not produce 'single' character but
it produces combined unicode character (i.e. accent char+normal char). iirc 
this is correct
from the unicode point of view - single accented char is equivalent to 
combining char + normal letter. this works on the screen, however utf8x is not 
able to 
decode the second case unless we use \unicodecombine macro in tex output.

i see more ways how this could be fixed, but we should firstly agree that THIS 
is the

once 3c is fixed, 3b is easily fixable by adding shortcut for ~ -> accent-tilde 
(or even hard code ~ as a dead key).


(3c*) there are few minor issues how the 'combined' chars cause editing 
problems inside
lyx - backspace key is not always able to delete accent char, one must put it 
into selection
to get rid of it, there is also issue with source view panel for which i 
already filed
new bug report (4946).

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