On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 10:54 AM, quiddity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you to Zan and Bob for very quick replies! They haven't shown up
> directly on the forum - is this usual?
> I have managed to solve the captalisation problem with curly brackets in
> Jabref, so thanks for that tip! I guess I might get away with the lack of
> emphasis for the volume no., as it's such a small detail.
> I shall make another request for help to see if anyone knows a way around
> the natbib/apacite incompatibility problem.
> Thanks again

An ugly workaround, IF, you only need to use the \cite command would
be to change the bibliography setting back to Default (numerical) from
Natbib. Then put (in your preamble):


Otherwise, if you need to use something other than \cite, you'd have
to use ERT rather than the LyX dialog to insert bibliography
citations. But, if you just need to do this for one paper it may not
be a bad way to go. It does work, it's just not pretty.


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