2009/6/11 Michael Gasperl <mich...@gasperl.at>

> Package: *
> Pin: release a=jaunty
> in-Priority: 700
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=karmic
> Pin-Priority: 600
> Package: libqt4*
> Pin: release a=karmic
> Pin-Priority: 800
> Package: qt4*
> Pin: release a=karmic
> Pin-Priority: 800
> [perhaps it would work without preferences?]

Well the conventional wisdom would be that without the preferences file,
apt-get would try to upgrade all your files to a completely different (and
Alpha quality) version of Ubuntu. If you let apt-get do this, this would
probably break your system horribly... However, in this case it would
probably be safe to do with without the preferences file for two reasons:
1) The Ubuntu GUI Upgrade Managers would allow you to uncheck the unwanted
upgrades anyway.
2) We are removing the karmic sources afterwards anyway, so it would be
unlikely that Ubuntu would install these unwanted updates later.

I chose this way, because the first described way with update/upgrade
> didn't work on my pc.

I must have made a mistake, since it should work on any 9.04 Ubuntu system.
Oh well, your way seems more user friendly anyway.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

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