On 09/08/2009 11:31 AM, James C. Sutherland wrote:

On Sep 8, 2009, at 9:14 AM, Rob wrote:

Also, I want to be able to make something like margins in the text that I'm editing so that the text lines don't flow to the width of the LyX window. This is for editing only, not for the output. I've read a number of requests for
this option in the archive--is there an option or hack for doing this?

Really the only way to do this is to resize the window. Many of us actually really like this feature of LyX - that it doesn't try to impose a particular layout (e.g. margins) on you when editing.

Rob, do you mean that you just want wider margins in the LyX display? If so, then this is achievable. It would help if I knew what document classes you were using: article, book, or whatever. That said, if you just don't want the display to be as wide, then you might just resize the window, as James suggests.

Also, if you're using full screen mode, then you can set this under Tools>Preferences>Editing>Control.


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