Guenter Milde wrote:

Actually the only fonts I am using are 'Digohweli', 'Aborginal Serif', and
'Aboriginal Sans'.... so I was definitely surprised by Lulu asking me for
the Times font....

I *guess* that at least one of your fonts is missing a "bold" variant
and Times Bold is used as fallback.

Maybe defining a different fallback font could help (or eleminating
the bold text part or setting it in a font that has a bold variant or
I would I define a different fall-back font? The Digohweli font does not have any variations to it. :(
I currently have the following in my header:








\setmainfont[BoldFont={Aboriginal Serif Bold},ItalicFont={Aboriginal Serif Italic},BoldItalicFont={Aboriginal Serif Bold Italic}]{Digohweli}

\setsansfont[]{Aboriginal Sans}

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