On 09/12/2010 08:58 AM, cristina wrote:
hi guys!
can you tell me how i can add the bibliography (with jabref) to a file in lyx?
i'll try to explain what i usually do (without any result):
- i make a selection from jabref
- then i push the button lyx (in jabref)
- in lyx i add the bibliography from the menu
BUT nothing happens...
please, help me

Have you inserted the bibliography at the end of your document? I.e.: Insert>Lists/TOC>BibTeX Bibliography, then select the BibTeX file and whatever bibliography style you want to use. Without that, LyX cannot access citations.

If you have done that, the problem may be that the LyX pipe is not set up correctly. I do not know how to do this on Windows, so if you are on Windows someone else will have to tell you. And I do not even know if it works on Windows in 1.6.x, though I know it will in 2.0. Anyway, on Linux or OSX, you can do this:

1. The LyX part. Go to Tools>Preferences>Paths. In the "LyXServer Pipe" field enter whatever you want, really. I have:
but you can put the pipe wherever you wish. LyX will then create two pipes on startup, one with the extension ".in" and one with the extension ".out".

2. The JabRef part. Go to Options>Preferences>External Programs and enter exactly the same thing you did in LyX. So I have "/home/rgheck/.lyxpipe".

Now restart LyX and JabRef, so the new preferences take effect.


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