
I use jab-ref to manage my bibliographies for documents I create with LyX on
Windows XP and Windows, and occasionally Kubuntu. I have personally never
tried to configure the LyX pipe stuff or any of that.

I do exactly as Richard suggests, "Insert>Lists/TOC>BibTeX Bibliography,
then select the BibTeX file and whatever bibliography style you want to use.

That does everything I need. Then, if I want a citation, I just use
insert>citation. I'm guessing the extra stuff is to insert the citation
while in jab-ref or something. I've never seen the need though. For this
part, it's always worked for me right out of the box on both Windows
installations as well as Kubuntu.

I do have to admit though, I had trouble figuring out how to add citations
at first, but once I understood that I had to actually place the
bibliography in the file first, it made a lot of sense.


On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Richard Heck <> wrote:

> On 09/12/2010 08:58 AM, cristina wrote:
>> hi guys!
>> can you tell me how i can add the bibliography (with jabref) to a file in
>> lyx?
>> i'll try to explain what i usually do (without any result):
>> - i make a selection from jabref
>> - then i push the button lyx (in jabref)
>> - in lyx i add the bibliography from the menu
>> BUT nothing happens...
>> please, help me
> Have you inserted the bibliography at the end of your document? I.e.:
> Insert>Lists/TOC>BibTeX Bibliography, then select the BibTeX file and
> whatever bibliography style you want to use. Without that, LyX cannot access
> citations.
> If you have done that, the problem may be that the LyX pipe is not set up
> correctly. I do not know how to do this on Windows, so if you are on Windows
> someone else will have to tell you. And I do not even know if it works on
> Windows in 1.6.x, though I know it will in 2.0. Anyway, on Linux or OSX, you
> can do this:
> 1. The LyX part. Go to Tools>Preferences>Paths. In the "LyXServer Pipe"
> field enter whatever you want, really. I have:
>    /home/rgheck/.lyxpipe
> but you can put the pipe wherever you wish. LyX will then create two pipes
> on startup, one with the extension ".in" and one with the extension ".out".
> 2. The JabRef part. Go to Options>Preferences>External Programs and enter
> exactly the same thing you did in LyX. So I have "/home/rgheck/.lyxpipe".
> Now restart LyX and JabRef, so the new preferences take effect.
> Richard

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