Hello LyXers,

the alternative Windows installer for LyX 1.6.9 is now available. (I'm abroad and far away from my home PC, so that it took some time. I'll also be only sporadically available the next month.)

This installer comes again with an update installer to update existing LyX 1.6.8 installation to LyX 1.6.9. NOTE: To be able to use this update installer, LyX 1.6.7 must have been installed with the
alternative Windows installer.


The installer for this version can be downloaded from:

(General infos about the installer can be found here:
 http://wiki.lyx.org/Windows/LyXWinInstaller )

Installer Changelog:
- LyX 1.6.9
- updated to eLyXer 1.1.2
- fix bug that a detected installed Python 3.x was used for LyX (LyX bug 7143)
  (LyX only works properly with Python 2.x)
- improved support for Adobe Reader/Acrobat 10.x (ported from the official installer - thanks Joost Verburg)
- support to set Swedish as LyX menu language (new feature in LyX 1.6.9)

happy LyXing

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