Dear all,

   I have decided to take the plunge and start to use a revision
control system for all or almost all my projects from here on.
However, I have no experience with any of the many options available
(i.e. RCS, SVN, Git?, etc.). In other words, I must  learn how to use
the system *and* learn how to use it from within LyX: I am a totally
blank slate, in other words, unhampered by previous knowledge. I
wonder if anyone could offer feedback on the systems they use?

I will use it only for LyX (and LaTeX), for individual or very
small-team projects (<5 people). My preferences are the ease to
integration with Lyx and easy repository maintenance (the criteria may
be contradictory, of course).  I took a look at the wiki pages and the
instructions on the help docs, but neither was very helpful at my
stage (of ignorance). They all assume you have already decided which
system to use, and provide instructions on how to use them from LyX.

On the other hand, all the non-LyX sources of information I found are
targeted at coders, typically working in large teams, with elaborate
technical discussions of several complex use cases that seem not
applicable for document-based repositories with individual- or small
team access. I may be wrong, of course.

Any suggestions is very welcome.



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