On 09/05/2011 10:22 AM, Diego Queiroz wrote:
I'm not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request. Probably the
second one.

In LyX it's ok to define a Math Macro in a Master document and use it in a
child one. It's also ok to use math macros that are defined in a child and
use it in other child document.

In both cases, I am able to view the Master document and it handles
everything perfectly.

But if I do so, I am unable to compile the child document alone.
AFAIK the reason is simple: the child document doesn't have the math macros
defined on its scope. And it doesn't really matter if the default master
document is set or not. It simple doesn't work (at least, I don't know how
to do without insert the math macros "again", which in painful).

My suggestion is to allow the generation of the childs alone.
While working in the document, it's normal to compile only parts of the
document instead of compile the whole set, so this feature would be very

Diego Queiroz

This works like a charm for me on 1.6.9 right now. My setup is

 Frontmatter stuff
 Include: LyX-macros.lyx
 Table of Contents
 List of Tables
 List of Figures
 Include: Chapter-1.lyx
 Include: Chapter-2.lyx
 Start Appendix here
 Include: Appendix-1.lyx
 BibTeX Generated Bibliography

Each child doc has the default master document set to Thesis.lyx and I use a branch named "child only", which is activated in child docs but deactivated in the master, to include BibTeX bib in the childs. Math macros are defined in LyX-macros.lyx and are available when compiling each child individually without hassle.

So, I do not experience your problem. However document settings and stuff that gets defined in the preamble need to be set in both master and child docs.


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