On 29 April 2013 07:02, Sotiris Hasapis <shasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I ' m trying to convert lyx to odt file using the methods described here:
> http://wiki.lyx.org/Tools/LyX2OpenOffice
> but nothing seems to work. In fact when taking the convert option :
> Latex(plain) to openoffice nothing happens and responds : "Error while
> exporting format: odtFile 'C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Local
> Settings/Temp/lyx_tmpdir.Hp4792/lyx_tmpbuf3/Some_aspects_of_group-based_cryptograhpy.tex'
> was not closed properly."
> Any help please?
> I'm using windows xp, lyx 2.0.
> Thank you.
> Sotiris.

>From experience this has never proven useful. Interoperability is an
issue here with LyX and other word processors. Even if one conversion
succeeds (to either a .doc, .docx, .odt or .rtf), you'd likely need to
do some clean-up here and there.

A fine compromise I have found is to use elyxer¹ as an intermediary
tool. Its HTML output is beautiful, and it works with complex
parent-child lyx documents including figures. You could also take a
look at pandoc (via LaTeX).²

¹ http://elyxer.nongnu.org/
² http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/


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