Wanted to share with everyone my holiday wish list.  You may send items to:
5905 Eastcliff Drive, Baltimore, MD  21209.


1.  One of everything "free" from your local supermarket.  Place items in a
bag and clearly label with location, date and time.  Feel free to do this at
more than one location.

2.  One of every "free" condiment, etc. from your local convenient store.
Place items in a bag and clearly label with location, date and time.  Feel
free to do this at more than one location.

3.  10 (more or less) different takeout menus.

4.  Paint samples "free" from your local hardware store.  Place items in a
bag and clearly label with location, date and time.

5.  "Scratched" off scratch off cards.  Usually found in the trash at
convenient stores.  Place items in a bag and clearly label with location,
date and time. 

6.  A ball of your hair.

7.  A wad of dryer lint.

8.  Twist ties.  Preferably used, but new is good too.

9.  A drawing or coloring book page drawn or colored by you.

10.  Your grocery list.

11.  Coupon/sale flyers that arrive in the Sunday newspaper.  Particularly
those that offer china products, geriatric products and Thomas Kinkade one
of a kinds.  Coupons are a plus.

12.  A sampling of candy wrappers (if you eat candy).  No candy please.

13.  Used stickers plucked from consumer products.  Place used stickers
lightly onto a plastic bag for safe keeping.

14.  Unused stickers of the supermarket variety.  These are usually found in
the bottoms of grocery buggies, etc.  Not easy to locate, very rare items.
Any unused sticker from anywhere will suffice.

15.  Old address labels belonging to anyone.

16.  Interesting straws from here and there.

17.  Those cute little hangers stores use for socks.

18.  Interesting or unusual used plastic containers.  Plastic cookie trays
like the type used in a pack of Oreo's.  Perfect condition please.

19.  Broken or old toys and games.  Usually found in your neighbor's trash
(providing they have children).

20.  Your wildest dream written on a piece of paper and placed in an
unsealed envelope.  Label with your name, date and time.

21.  A broken figurine or piece of china or something dear to you that you
keep in a drawer and just can't bear to throw away.  Pass it on to the
"Island of Broken Figurines."  Please provide provenance.

22.  Informational pamphlets found at your doctor's office.

23.  Price tags from all of the items you buy for other people (and
yourself) this holiday season.

Surprise me.

Happy holidays to all!


Denise Tassin 
5905 Eastcliff Drive
Baltimore, Maryland  21209
T 410-732-5351 (Home and Studio)
W www.denisetassin.com

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