Buffalo Mail Art Call

America’s last wild buffalo herd is in danger. The Yellowstone, Montana herd is 
both genetically and behaviorally unique, being the only herd with continuously 
wild ancestry from the days when 50 million buffalo migrated freely across the 
Great Plains. Today they are being killed because of the greed of beef ranchers.

For more information see The Buffalo Field Campaign:

Mail Art Call:
Please make Buffalo themed mail art. Any size, any materials. Please write on 
your artwork anywhere an unambiguous message such as PROTECT THE YELLOWSTONE 

No deadline
No documentation

Send mail art to:

Director National Park Service
Mary Bomar
1849 C Street NW Room 3312
Washington, DC 20240

Yellowstone National Park

Superintendent Suzanne Lewis

PO Box 168

Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20240


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