On Sep 18, 2014, at 20:49, Paul Taylor <paul_t...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> On 18/09/2014 18:16, Danno Ferrin wrote:
>> On the javapacakger (javafxpackager) side of the house we dodge this by not 
>> using the symlinked JLI.
>> The JDK as it is installed installs a symlink to the libjli.dylib in 
>> ...app/Contents/MacOS is actually a symlink.  I don't know if you copy it if 
>> it will still work, it may want to live in 
>> ...app/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jli/libjli.dylib.  This is referenced in the 
>> default info.plist
>> The way we dodge this for the javapackager is we create our own launch 
>> native that opens up the libjli from the location deep in the JRE.  And we 
>> don't ship the symlink.
>> I can confirm that javapackager 8u20 signs and launchers with 10.9.5, but I 
>> haven't tried to submit it to the app store since the signing requirements 
>> changes.
>> So I don't know how you launch, but the info.plist cannot refer to the 
>> symlinked libjli.dylib if it is symlinked, and it may not even be allowed to 
>> exist as a symlink in ...app/Contents/MacOS.  So if you can remove the 
>> symlink before signing that may help.
> Im using a fork of Java Application Bundler from InfiniteKind - 
> https://bitbucket.org/infinitekind/appbundler -Im not deploying to the 
> appstore its just uploaded to my website.
> So following your advice  I found that libjli.dylib in 
> Contents/PlugsIns/jdk1.8.0_20.jdk/Contents/MacOS pointed to 
> ../Home/jre/lib/jli - replacing the symbolic link with a copy of the file has 
> allowed the signing to work, and when installed the application stills seem 
> to work, thankyou :)
> '
> I assume if it doesn't work then you'll have a problem with javafxpackager 
> applications as well.
> Any thoughts from dev team about removing this symbolic link in the jdk ?

Perhaps AppBundler should simply not copy the MacOS folder.
I don't see how it's needed when bundle the JRE as plugin and launch with the 
AppBundler stub.


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