I think that the problem is that I have set the encoding (multi-part) for the post, but not for the file part, and I can't figure out how to set the encoding for the file part. I'm worried that I'm going to have to force a re-conversion within perl from some sort of automatic conversion done when writing to the temporary file.

I do not think there is any way to tell the web browser what the encoding of the uploaded file should be. That only works for form fields such as text areas.

You will get the file in the same encoding (if applicable, this could be a binary file, such as an image, too) that it has on the user's hard disk.

So you will have to auto-detect the encoding on the server-side or give the user a pulldown to select the file encoding (or support only Shift-JIS, which you might get away with in your case).

Merry Christmas,


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