At 9:10 am +0900 26/12/05, Joel Rees wrote:

I note your are running both the script and the HTML in Unicode UTF-8. There is wisdom in that, of course, and I may rethink my choice of running these scripts in shift-JIS. (I like to avoid conversions that require tables and context decisions as much as possible.)

I simply hate legacy encodings. Having worked with Chinese on the Mac since system 6, I would have switched to Windows NT if Apple had not finally implemented Unicode in Mac OS 10. Having waited so long for Unicode, I use nothing else now.

I also notice you are saving the file back to disk so you can re-open it as shift-JIS. I want to avoid that, since perl is already saving it once to a temporary directory anyway...

Yes, my script was simply a very badly implemented proof of concept. Having looked at the question more deeply, I'm now half way through doing a proper job making proper use of

(Muttering to self -- can perl open strings as streams like Java?)


I have now had a better look at and come up with a solution that works, I think, as you want it. The curious thing is that some browsers had no difficulty even before I used Encode->from_to.

To see the script go to <> and view

To try it out go to:

At 2:27 am +0000 26/12/05, John Delacour wrote:

Do you know of a way to tell perl, or, rather, the CGI module to open the file handle as shift-JIS?

open F, "<:encoding(shift_jis)", $f

Clearly the Christmas goose had affected my reason! As you were about to tell me, has already opened the file handle; so if you want to avoid writing the contents to another file and then opening that as above, it is necessary to use Encode as shown <>


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