On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, James Reynolds wrote:

 Does anyone know why Apple chooses or not chooses to include modules?
I really dislike installing them. And more and more I find I need to. So how would I go about pressuring Apple to include more.

No vendor includes a full CPAN library with the stock Perl. Linux,
Solaris, etc, they're all doing the same thing.

If you install your own copy of Perl, it too will only have a partial
standard core fraction of CPAN.

Get used to CPAN. You aren't going to find a vendor that provides a full
CPAN install -- new ones appear daily, so keeping up is impossible

Hm. I really do not want to install the Dev Tools on my Mac OS X Server boxes. I have been getting around this by installing the files on a client machine and coping them to the servers, but I don't believe this is ideal. Does anyone know what problems I could be causing?


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