Grumble.  That is exactly what I wanted to know!  Thanks!

Does CPAN install C libraries to /usr/local/lib or somewhere else?

I could search for all new files right after a CPAN install.


Another point to remember is that some CPAN modules that depend upon C libraries already being install may complain if the compiler flags used to build that C library are different from that used to build the C code associated w/the Perl module you are installing (For example, I'm thinking of the module Net::SSLeay which requires openssl )


At 4:58 PM -0800 12/29/05, Danny Hembree wrote:
Many modules link to C libraries that must be installed as well. Simply
copying the Perl directory over won't get everything that is needed.

On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 13:05, James Reynolds wrote:
 Does anyone know why Apple chooses or not chooses to include modules?
 I really dislike installing them.  And more and more I find I need
 to.  So how would I go about pressuring Apple to include more.



 James Reynolds
 University of Utah
 Student Computing Labs

E. J. Mansky II
Eikonal Research Institute
Bend, Oregon

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