At 6:30 AM -0500 9/29/09, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Sep 29, 2009, at 06:27, Joe Schnide wrote:

I have had problems with macports and Snow Leopard. I was able to
resolve those issues on an MBP Intel 10.6 by uninstalling macports
completely and installing MacPorts-1.8.0-10.6-SnowLeopard. I was
able to install most of the ports I had under 10.5.x. I have since
upgraded to 10.6.1.

I attempted the same thing with an Intel iMac 10.6.1. I removed
macports completely and am having problems installing macports.
If I use the 1.8.0 dmg, I get the error:
MacPorts-1.8.0 can't be installed on this computer.
The specified message could not be found for the index 16.

"The specified message could not be found" is one of the problems we fixed in 1.8.1.

I then tried to install with the 1.8.1 dmg and get the error:
MacPorts-1.8.1 can't be installed on this computer.
This package is meant to be installed on Mac OS X 10.6

The installer doesn't seem to think you're running Mac OS X 10.6 on this computer. What is the output of "uname -a" and "sw_vers"?

schnide-iMac:~ root# sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.6.1
BuildVersion:   10B504
schnide-iMac:~ root# uname -a
schnide-iMac:~ root# which uname
schnide-iMac:~ root#

uname does not return any information.

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