Same thing it does when I run --- perl5.14 -e "require XML::Parser"

Can't locate XML/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/opt/local/lib/perl5/5.14.1/darwin-multi-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.14.1
/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at -e
line 1.

Which is completely different, when I run it as root:

Can't load
for module XML::Parser::Expat:
1): no suitable image found.  Did find:
mach-o, but wrong architecture at
/opt/local/lib/perl5/5.14.1/darwin-multi-2level/ line 194.
 at /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.1/darwin-multi-2level/XML/
line 18
Compilation failed in require at
line 18.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 22.
Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.

Now this is leading me to think is Architecture related … but everything is
isolated and should be Arch independent.

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Ryan Schmidt <>wrote:

> On Mar 15, 2012, at 23:59, Jeff Singleton wrote:
> > Before I go opening a bug, that probably won't get addressed --
> considering every single bug previously opened by others has been ignored,
> blamed on something else, or just not fixed because the devs have no idea
> why its not finding XML::Parser.
> >
> > I've tried every suggestion…I've tried building 64 bit only…I've tried
> building 32 bit only…and I have tried building universal.  And none of them
> work.
> >
> > Note…each attempt mentioned above was done on isolated, clean build
> systems and it doesn't matter what foot I stand on, the time of day, or
> where the moon is currently -- the fact is, something is not right in the
> way so many ports still depend on intltool and is the same no matter which
> version of Perl used -- 5.12.3 and 5.14.1 both fail.
> >
> > I can't fix it with any amount of hacking, pasting, or patching…believe
> me, I have tried everything I can think of -- including trying to use the
> native perl on Lion, and installing XML::Parser and XML::Parser::Expat via
> cpan. Intltool does not use any Variables to help point it where it needs
> to go.
> >
> > So my questions are:
> >
> > - Why is intltool being depended on so much, when it hasn't been updated
> since 2009?
> It actually has been updated. In 2009 it moved to launchpad, and we didn't
> notice. (Not surprising; nobody has volunteered to be intltool's
> maintainer.) I'll update the port immediately to version 0.50.2.
> > - Is there anything else out there that can provide the same
> dependencies?
> > - Are any of the developers using anything that requires intltool?
> > - If so, how are you installing it, and why can't you submit your
> methods as a fix, so that everyone else can also get passed this issue?
> I installed intltool successfully in August 2011. I presently cannot
> install it in a second prefix. So I have no magic fix for you; at one point
> in time it installed for me, and I haven't uninstalled it since then.
> What happens when you run this:
> perl5.12 -e "require XML::Parser"
> In my second prefix, it generates an error about Expat.bundle being the
> wrong architecture, so there's at least one thing we need to fix in
> p5.12-xml-parser.
> > MacPorts being a free option for installing sources on Mac OS…I
> understand that this sounds demanding, but really, its a plea for attention
> on updating and changing old and broken dependencies once and for all so we
> don't have to keep going around in circles.
> >
> > I counted 12 bugs opened at some point over the past 6 years for the
> exact same error with intltool not finding XML::Parser -- Not all for the
> same base port being requested, but still reported with the same issue in
> intltool. Yet, here we are again, still with the same problem.
> >
> > I hope this makes the right point and gets discussions started that are
> helpful…I can open a bug if that will help track the issue.
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