Well…check my last entry on #33264.

Despite it not being the way its done in MacPorts, but what I did worked.
Now to figure out the right way to accomplish the same thing.

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:49 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org>wrote:

> On Mar 17, 2012, at 19:44, Jeff Singleton wrote:
> > I just tried a clean install from scratch using the hack on gcc-4.2
> mentioned in that bug #33624.
> You mean #33264. I certainly cannot advocate that gcc hack; that's
> completely not how we handle archs in MacPorts.
> > No, intltool still does not build, and is failing with the same error.
> So I don't know how that guy (jhkoivis) was able to build intltool with
> that hack, when it never gets past the configure phase of the build.
> I still would appreciate some help in explaining and resolving the
> destroot failures I encounter in a new MacPorts with all p5 ports in #33647.
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