On Mar 8, 2024, at 03:18, xmartin wrote:
> 1) You are right. The directory  /opt/local/var has always been part of 
> MacPorts. In fact, I had a backup of the older version and, obviously this 
> directory was still there… The only important difference is that now this 
> /var directory contains a new subdirectory (called /macports), and not 
> existing in the older MacPorts version, that contains the following 
> subdirectories:
> /build   /distfiles  /home /incoming  /logs  /registry  /sip-workaround   
> /software  /sources  
> and a file called pingtimes.  Most of those subdirectories contain a lot of 
> directories and files... 

/opt/local/var/macports has also always existed (well, at least since the 
project was renamed to MacPorts) but it is usually hidden. If you are now 
seeing it in the Finder, then I guess the hidden flag has gotten unset somehow. 
It won't affect MacPorts functionality. You can hide it again if you wish. 

> 2) After typing "sudo port version” I get the following answer:
> [iMac-de-Martin:~] xmartin% sudo port version
> Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider updating them 
> by running 'port selfupdate'.
> Version: 2.9.1

Great, so MacPorts was indeed successfully updated to 2.9.1, but the 
post-update sync failed to update your ports collection due to your rsync 

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