Hi all,

Continuing on the same subject...could someone point out what I'm doing
wrong? I'm trying to put the most simple helloworld application and
start it from the menu. I created the .deb package, installed it - but
with no joy. I can run the program from xterm but not start it from the
menu. In fact, if I try to start it there, the weirdest thing happens -
I am no longer able to start *any* application from the menu.

Anyway, here's how I call osso_initialize: 

    osso_context_t* osso_ctx;
    osso_ctx=osso_initialize(PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, FALSE,

..and at the end of the program I call     osso_deinitialize(osso_ctx);

Then, my hello-world-spr.desktop file looks like this:

        [Desktop Entry]

And my hello-world-spr.service file like this:

        [D-BUS Service]

I compile the file like this:

        gcc -o hello-world-spr hello-world-spr.c `pkg-config --cflags
--libs gtk+-2.0 hildon-libs libosso`

After installing, I checked that on the 770 device my executable indeed
is in /var/lib/install/usr/bin, from which I can even run it with no
problems or complaints. In /var/lib/install/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/services/ I
have the hello-world-spr.service just as expected (and it is the same
file as listed above). In /var/lib/install/usr/share/applications/hildon
I have the hello-world-spr.desktop which indeed is the one listed above.
And in /var/lib/install/etc/others-menu/extra_applications there is a
symbolic link pointing to the actual .desktop file.

Now, as I said, my application appears in the Extras menu and I can
select it - but it does not start (but screws up the system so that no
other application will start from the menu either). There must be
something related to D-BUS, as if I edit the X-Osso-Service line off
from the .desktop file (I did this on the actual device so everything
else should be OK), the application starts nicely from the menu.

Now, I am completely puzzled so anyone spotting my mistakes from the
above would deserve my eternal gratitude! :-) My maemo environment on
the Linux PC is rather old (from late October 2005), could there be
anything related to that?

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