currently they look like standars Diablo menus.
Those kind of menus are still in fremantle and we are going to use them to
keep the compatibility
with the Qt desktop applications.
Btw similar menus could be done by the application developers themselves

We haven't talked yet about having this kind of menu in Qt for fremantle.
BTW If we will plane to have them, it
will be possible without adding Hildon-specific API.

Best regards,

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Murray Cumming <murr...@murrayc.com> wrote:

> I'm curious about something, yet too lazy to try it myself:
> When creating menus with Qt in the Maemo 5 Beta SDK, using the normal Qt
> APIs, such as QMenu
> http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/qmenu.html
> do they look like Maemo 5 menus?
> http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=283026&postcount=35
> Or is it instead necessary to use some separate Hildon-specific API?
> --
> murr...@murrayc.com
> www.murrayc.com
> www.openismus.com
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Laurence J. 
- "Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but
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