
Although new-style Maemo 5 menus with sub-menus are discouraged, I don't
> think they should be forbidden. The current C API makes it very
> difficult to create them because HildonAppMenu is just a grid container,
> not a menu API. But I see no reason for Qt to make the same mistake.
> Of course they would not be displayed as a tree-like menu.

To be honest I don't know yet if we will have those menu in Qt too.
Currently I can't take other tasks, but if someone is interested in
implementing them, he/she is welcome and I'll happy to help him/her in that

You are using a gmail email address. Do you actually work for Nokia
> and/or Qt?

Yes, I do. I'm a Nokia employee.

Best regards,

> --
> murr...@murrayc.com
> www.murrayc.com
> www.openismus.com


Laurence J. 
- "Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but
where you heard it."
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