JiangWei Zhou wrote:
> you may remove the EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8 from the egl config list
> and try again.
> i just wonder it may cause this problem. but in our target, there is no 
> such problem.

Mmmm... the more I play with egl the less I understand how it works.

The call to eglChooseConfig() changes the configs variable, and puts in 
the first element of the array a configuration in which R, G, B, and A 
are all 8 bits (which presumably are not supported, because AFAIK on the 
N900 X starts on 16 bit mode).

Anyway, commenting out the call to eglChooseConfig makes things go 
slightly better: eglCreateWindowSurface() succeeds.

But then the context creation fails, with error EGL_BAD_CONFIG again. If 
I remove the attributes parameter and just pass NULL there, then it 
still fails but the error code is 0x3001, i.e. EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED.

Any hints on what to try now?


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