
Alberto Mardegan wrote:
> JiangWei Zhou wrote:
>> you may remove the EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8 from the egl config list
>> and try again.
>> i just wonder it may cause this problem. but in our target, there is 
>> no such problem.

I checked the source code of clutter-0.8 in maemo, and with that 
attribute list it worked. Then I try to remove the differences one by 
one, to reduce them to the minimum: strangely enough, the problem is in 
specifying EGL_{RED,GREEN,BLUE}_SIZE. Removing them from the attributes 
array make the whole things work.

I guess I won't submit a patch for it, as the change is maemo-specific: 
I cannot see any reason why specifying those sizes would break the thing.

Anyway, I'm happy to announce that I got clutter 1.0 and clutter-gtk 
0.10 to work fine in maemo fremantle. I'll create a project in 
garage.maemo.org and upload the packages as soon as I've cleaned them up 
a bit. :-)

Thanks for your support!

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